Wednesday 10 December 2014

Wednesday 26 November 2014

You can now follow me on twitter!

WIP edited for a portrait for 3D room assignment,also put up as my twitter banner. Need to make a higher resolution one lmao.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Kitchen dig and shigs by SrutisJay

I was setup in a mates kitchen at the beginning of summer to work on a final major piece for college. 
Have a giggle with this scribble animation by SrutisJay

A scribble animation I did before bed last month.

Room I've been working on in Uni, still not finished. Considering I'm new to the software I'm pretty content with my progress.


I'll have some mech/robot sketches for a Uni unit up soon. 
Moving this weekend however so unsure if it will be next week. 

Thursday 6 November 2014

Another helmet scribble of sci-fi me. I've got an a idea on where I want to go with the helmets design and clothing etc. 

Friday 10 October 2014

Room assets (gif)

Trying to model objects for the room we have to make. Still new to it but getting the hang! Most unfinished. Still making more, some are just practice ones to get a hang.
Also sorry been quite with artwork, working on alot of stuff and commission work. 


Scanned helmet sketches

Scanned helmet sketches

Here are some scanned helmet sketches for Uni, just a random pair off the top of my head I jotted down last night. Have to design myself as a game character so working on a char design of myself. T'is fun. 

Anyway messy messy pencil sketches (I couldn't find my rubber x'D). A bit of the light detail work hasn't been picked up but weh. 

I'll give painting them ago later on. 
